TNA Impact Wrestling Review: The Go Home Show Before Slammiversary

TNA Impact Wrestling Broadcasted its Go Home Show Before Slammiversary last night on POP TV  and frankly speaking a good consistent performance by TNA Creative we can say that. we mean Impact On Pop Last Night was good in most of its prospects. Sienna and Madison Rayne stole the show with their performance and final segment was also great. Siena defeated Madison Rayne to earn a shot at the TNA Knockouts Championship. She will face Jade at Slammiversary On ppv this Sunday. Matchcards of Slammiversary are looking pretty competitive after the addition of this match last night.

Next match was a interesting one the tag team of The BroMans W/ Raquel, Grado and Mahabali Shera Vs The Tag Team Champs Decay, KOTM Champion Eli Drake and The Tribunal which obviously was a good storytelling match. Shera and Grado are pure Entertainers and there combination with The BroMans made the match interesting. Team Of Deacay , Eli Drake and The Tribunal Won this match. Next Match was a mixed tag team match in Which team EC3 and Gail Kim defeated the team of Mike Bennet and Allie. This Rivalry Of EC3 and Mike Bennet is creating good interest in the show and TNA is making good use of Mike Bennet who is showing his pure heelishness on-screen.

Finally TNA gave a spot to their X Division On The Show which we were demanding and other TNA fans were demanding this 12 minutes of X-Division were pretty great Trevor Lee and Eddie Edwards put on a good match for the championship effort.

Braxton Sutter Wins On His Debut against Kalus. Drew Galloway def Matt Hardy via DQ in TNA Championship match. Galloway retains. Lashley attacked Galloway at the end of the match to setup the DQ finish. Galloway and Lashley fought to the back. Matt Hardy remained in the ring when the lights went out. 

The Willow laugh was heard and when the lights came back on, fans were at ringside wearing the Willow masks and chanting for Willow. Four Willows walked out on stage and the actual Willow (on screen) cut a promo on Matt calling him a joke. Jeff Hardy then walks out and attacks Matt to close the show.

Our Vital Grade To The Show: B+(plus)

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