Suicide Squad Review: A Fresh Lineup and Must See Movie The Critics Must Be Crazy
DC Entertainment: Suicide Squad
Directed By: David Ayer
Starring: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, Jay Courtney, Jay Hernandez, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Ike Barinholtz, Scott Eastwood, Cara Delevingne
When was the last time I Saw a movie which was wicked fun ???? Really I Don't Know its been a while and while I am writing this post I am in a Metro Train heading my way to home. I've Just seen Suicide Squad at the Theaters and I think this movie is Awesome a Good Fresh Lineup by DC cinematic universe was the part of this movie. But the Buzz about this movie on the Internet is Low because of some Critics who gave it just 27 % on Rotten Tomatoes. Following are Some Ratings given by the top critics network:
7.2/10 - IMDb
26% - Rotten Tomatoes
41% - Metacritic
26% - Rotten Tomatoes
41% - Metacritic
Seriously guys I highly recommend this movie I Just don't want to disrespect these critics and I am not a certified critic but guys I am a fan of Superhero movies and I liked this Anti-Hero Team This Movie is a Must See Even If you're a Casual fan.
After years of letting Marvel own the lion's share of the superhero-movie marketplace, Warner Bros. is finally stepping up its efforts in 2016, and Suicide Squad is the opening salvo in the studio's ambitious plan to build a bigger cinematic universe out of its DC Comics properties. Suicide Squad is more of a like a future builder for DC Cinematic Universe as it featured many spoilers for upcoming DC Movies. In My Opinion this movie is well deserved a rating of 7.8/10 I don't agree what these critics say and Rotten Tomatoes is one of them.
Last Time I Made the decision to not to watch "Superman Vs Batman: Dawn of The Justice" in Theaters after seeing the Reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic but this time around I liked this movie trailer and was eagerly waiting for the release of this movie. In Suicide squad I loved the acting of Jared Leto who is playing Joker in this movie he is like the best villain ever in all the Superhero movies I Saw but he was not the villain in this movie he was just Anti-Hero who is fighting against Enchantress with his team/Squad and Will Smith as Dead shot was Great his superb timing really got me invested in this movie.
If You haven't watched this movie yet than I highly recommend this one to watch and In this Article I Don't wanna spoil anything from this movie. In The End On a highnote In My Opinion this movie Deserves a Rating of 78% and Let Me tell you one thing this movie is a Certified fresh Suicide Squad is a Totally different movie from the other Marvel Movie You Saw.
that's all folks !!!!
Suicide Squad
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