WWE Smackdown Review: A Fresh Show

WWE Smackdown of this was taped on Tuesday night at Tucson Convention Centre Arizona and last night it was broadcasted globally on respective TV Networks partnered with World Wrestling Entertainment. Smackdown opened with The Man Seth Rollins telling the audience how he was Robbed at Money In The Bank ppv Last Sunday at Las Vegas By the way Seth Rollins was on Smackdown after a whole year and that's a fact. On the show Seth Rollins continues to tell his story and says he was the best member in The Shield and issues an open challenge to anyone from Backstage: WORLDS APART SAMI ZAYN Shows and accepts the challenge as Zayn comes in-ring Seth Rollins tells everyone that it will be a walk in the park he will beat Sami Zayn easily Now Our New WWE World Champion Dean Ambrose comes out and Interrupts 'The Man' Seth Rollins he comes into the ring and calls the production at ringside and What we got its the Latest Edition of Ambrose Asylum where Dean takes control and asks his first question to Seth Rollins- "Seth Why are you being so JACKA*s??" Rollins Responds that he doesn't have anytime for these stupid shows Ambrose Repeats his question and Rollins makes out his way out of the ring to backstage very frustrated than Zayn replies is he always like this??? segment ends. Thoughts: It was a Strong Opening Segment after a Long Long Time On Smackdown and Sami Zayn Could a Absolutely Classy Babyface of WWE.

WWE Suspended The King Jerry Lawler last week because of his arrest in a domestic violence case & so in place of him David Otunga was on  Commentary Table with Mauro Rannallo and Byron Saxton Next Match was between Alberto Del Rio and Swiss Superman Cesaro which was a good encounter Cesaro is right now one of the guy in midcard who is getting over perfectly and audience loves him. Cesaro ended this match with a turning a cross arm breaker into his special move Neutralizer.

Up next it was Cruise Control Clash with The Irish Celtic Warrior this match was good power matchup both muscular superstars showed their power and sheamus Claims his first victory On Apollo Crews after loosing to him at Money In The Bank Overall a Good Match.

Backstage The Club is still celebrating their win over Johncena but The Usos disrupts them and Jimmy challenges AJ Styles for a one on one match immediately which Heel AJ Styles accepts. this match starts AJ Styles and Jimmy Uso really put on a fantastic match Jimmy Superkicked AJ Then Club At Ringside attacks his brother Jey which causes a distraction and AJ Styles ends it with a Phenomenal Forearm. A 4.5 Star Match we would like to see this match again and again.

Up next a Tag Team Match started b/w The New Day and The Vaudevillains New Day quickly finishes this match but after the match Bray Wyatt cuts a promo on Big screen of the show and teases a feud with the New Day. "NEW DAY FALLS" "NEW DAY FALLS" !!!!

10 minutes of Divas on a  80 Minutes of Smackdown Becky Vs Dana ended very quickly Brooke wins this match via a rollup. Charlotte attacked Becky after the match. Sasha Banks music hits she comes and claims that Women's title belongs to her she hits BO$$ Smash to Dana Brooke and turns it into Bank Statement. Sasha Banks Stands tall in the ring alone.

Main Event Time Zayn Vs Rollins with Dean Ambrose at Commentary table this match was Awesome Sami Zayn rocked this match and was just one count away from getting a big victory but A Pedigree Out of Nowhere From Rollins completes this match. Rollins Wins.

Seth Goes to Dean at Commentary table and says who is the man now he pushes Dean which lead to a Brawl between those two Smackdown ends with Ambrose in the ring and Seth Rollins Running towards the stage.

that's all folks !!!!

Our Vital Grade To The Show: Fresh Smackdown Seth Rollins Vs Sami Zayn a must see match this show deserves a B+(plus).

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Photocredit: WWE.com

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